100 Rejections ( pt 2 )

Kenapa ?

Sebenarnya setelah baca tulisan dari charles chu tentang 100 rejection di medium 

aku jadi berpikir mungkin aku belum mencoba cukup keras, malahan dulu waktu baru lulus kuliah dan merantau ke bogor kakak ipar malah ngomong  

"ngelamar pekerjaan sekarang kan gampang, tinggal klik doang sudah bisa. kalau belum dapat pekerjaan sampai sekarang berarti kamu belum berusaha keras untuk mencari pekerjaan itu" 

dari sana aku mulai ngelamar pekerjaan banyak banget sampai2 dikasih warning sama aplikasi pencari pekerjaannya hehehe . 

Important note from Charles about the project :
  • "Not outcome-based. All I need to do to get a rejection is to submit a story. I can’t guarantee whether or not I’ll get published, but I can guarantee that I write and submit.
  • Garbage is okay. The biggest mental block, for me and many others, is the fear of failure. By setting the goal, from the beginning, to fail and fail a lot, I’m less afraid of doing the work.
  • Fast feedback cyclesLearning happens best with short cycles of trial-and-error. Short stories can be written and read quickly, which means I get a lot more practice than I would if I wrote, say, novels.
  • My hope is that, after a year of writing bad stories, I’ll grow into a much better — and consistent — writer. " 

Its time to step up the game 

aku rasa sekarang sudah saatnya untuk step up the game. selama ini aku masih mengerjakan semuanya dalam rasa nothing to lose, bahkan sebagian aku sudah tahu bahwa hal tersebut akan gagal coz i dont give my 100%. 

hal ini menjadi mode yang sangat ampuh ketika menggantungkan pada luck ya. karena kalau sudah give 100% of me dan ternyata rejected atau failed rasanya pasti sakit banget dan kebanting2. 

Focus Set 

I do a lot of thing, such as illustration, animation, character design, asset maker for motion graphic, writing, planning election marketing and a lot of crafty stuff. jadi sekarang aku harus menentukan fokus terlebih dahulu sebagai prioritas utama. dan aku rasa aku akan fokus pada illustration dan animation terlebih dahulu, karena menurutku both of them masih nyambung. 


Pada dasarnya illustration dan animation contest dalam setahun itu ada bejibun. 

so i just have to set up daily basis and weekly goal for this project.

  • one illustration a day
  • 3 sec worth of animation a week 
  • enter the monthly contest for the illustration (CDC) and Animation (11 second club)
  • Try different illustration and animation style
  • Actively post art in group and socmed for critique and feedback

Now, i have to embrace that pain cuz rejected for my 100% and keep trying until i got 100 rejection in this year. 4 month left to finish this project . . .  wish me luck  

The Rejection (2018) : 

  1. Lomba Hellomotion x BNI card design 
  2. Agate Studio Internship
  3. Kong Vecttor
  4. Mocca Animation Studio
  5. Studio Ubud
  6. BreadnBeyond
  7. Erlangga For Kids #illustrateastory competition
  8. Character Design Challenge July (Pirate Theme)
  9. Character Design Challenge August (Vampire Theme)
  10. Character Design Challenge July (Sweet things Theme)

Now, today (the day I write this) already March. last time I try the 100 rejection it's even not quarter things completed. so, I want to start over this march until December and try to reach the 100 rejection. Ganbatte . 

Update (2019-12-22)

bukan mau sok, atau gimana ya nulis di campur-campur antara bahasa indonesia dan bahasa inggris. namun, aku lagi belajar buat nulis bahasa inggris dan meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa inggrisku. jadi mohon pengertiannya ya. 

The Rejection (2019) : 

sebenarnya udah ada di instagram untuk list dari 100 rejections, tapi aku tulis diblog lagi supaya pembaca yang ada di blog bisa lihat progressnya juga. 

1.Idiversity comic strip competition
2. kataindonesia.co.id gif compettion
3. desain sepatu film hellomotion
4. tragaluz home illustration
5. cdc kabuki theme
6. cdc ninja cat theme
7. cdc eagle hutner theme
8. cdc dark elfs theme
9. cdc gargoules theme
10 .cdc spirited away theme
11. displate superheros theme
12. displae five funny theme
13. cdcd hawaiian dancer theme
14. gatotkaca fanart
15. traveloka giftcard1
16. traveloka giftcard2
17. traveloka giftcard3
18. BCA comic strip Competition
19. BCA comic strip Competition
20. goodday cover design
21-50. 30 project di 
51. indie anifest 
52. agate
53. navsart1
54. navsart2
55. goodday cover 2
56. kartun koran
57. hellofest henshin
